- To establish a network among women in which each member can potentially benefit within the network, personally or professionally.
- To empower members professionally or personally through programs and speakers.
- To provide a monetary Professional Development award to a member for furthering education in their profession. In the event that a member does not apply, at the Board’s discretion, an award can be given to a post-secondary school female student to further her education.
- To contribute yearly, as a group from membership funds, to a philanthropy for the benefit of the community.
BG Business Women
Bowling Green Business Women is a progressive group of professional business women from throughout Southern Kentucky. The organization was created to establish a business network among women to help women grow professionally or personally through programs and speakers, and to build professional relationships.
Bowling Green Business Women hosts monthly Lunch & Learn meetings and events for social, professional and educational purposes throughout the year.
We believe all women can embrace who they are, can define their future, and can change the world.
In early 1989, a group of women with a common goal joined to form an organization whose cornerstone was to provide a business network for women who would benefit from its membership. Networking Women, Inc. was the product.
Membership consisted of professional women from throughout the Southern Kentucky area who share a commonality in one way or another. Whether or not the common binding force is the same is not important. The important thing is that each member finds enough common interest with the other women in the group to make the organization worthwhile and beneficial.
We hope that women in the organization are building a network upon which they can feel comfortable drawing upon in the future.
In 2018, the Networking Women Board of Directors rebranded the group as Bowling Green Business Women.
In May of 2022 Bowling Green Business Women dissolved the Networking Women name with the state and was reinstated as an official 501c3 non-profit organization under the title “Bowling Green Business Women, Inc.”